jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

lists are the same in spanish. because numbers are the same.

Okay so I feel like I should write today because it’s possible that I won’t get another chance to before Monday…it’ll be short though. I am LOVING it here. I love the city, love the country, love the friendliness, happiness, and kindness of the people. I already feel comfortable in Heredia! I feel like writing in bullet points today so that’s what’s going down. In the shwizown. I don’t neva frown.
  1. My Spanish is muchisima major. Like so much better. At least I think so?
  2. I eat so much food here. Thank the lord my family eats healthy most of the time and mostly vegetarian. Not good that my madre is an AMAZING baker and my hermano an AMAZING chef.
  3. Thank you Marco for waking up early to run with me all the time even though you don’t have to be at work until the afternoon
  4. I need to find a yoga studio
  5. I need to learn how to salsa and meringue
  6. I can actually get to and from school now all on my lonesome
  7. Drivers here are slightly insane, and crosswalks mean nothing. I have learned the half cross sprint, wait, sprint again. Unless I’m running and then mr. hermano over there likes to run in the middle of the street and not really tell me in advance when we have to cross. I’m actually kind of street smart. Kind of. Except for trying to text while crossing the street. Bad idea in the US, much much worse here.
  8. I’m kind of offended because all of the blonde girls get cat called all the time and I never really do. I think it’s because I’m absurdly tan at the moment with dark hair. I blend in man, which is pretty cool. At least until I open my mouth and the New Jersey in me comes out. Except a relative today told me my accent was excellent. But she also went on about how she feels bad for people who are too beautiful after I brought up the cat calling thing and how it’s better to just be a little bit pretty because you’re happier then. I figured she wouldn’t be telling me that if she thought I was in the beautiful category…
  9. There were many pigeons in San Jose today, Tara slapped one into my face. It was one of the stranger experiences I’ve ever had.
  10. Last night I couldn’t even handle how funny it was when this “hombre” (not naming names, also he wasn’t even drunk) at a bar tried to take a large shot and then continue his conversation with me. His eyes got very watery and he looked a little nauseous. Then his cheeks bulged. And although I told him not to swallow it and to go to the bathroom he tried to anyway. And that’s how he spewed all over the floor and drew one of the workers over with a mop, who was no doubt muttering “stupid gringo” under his breath while cleaning it up. Especially funny when this “hombre” rallied right up and took another shot and complained about the waste of the first.
  11. I played The Lords of Liechtenstein (yeah brothers!) for Justine on the bus today while we were both listening to my ipod and she said she loved the song in the middle of it and I was like guess what? That’s my brothers right thurrr.
  12. I love attempts at English in texts. But it’s probably what I sound like in Spanish. “Hi Autumn is marco ! Do you come back home along or I tell my mom That pick you up ?” I’m sure it’s especially hard since his phone is probs set to Spanish T-9
  13. I really want to know if Taco Bell has French fries. Then I want to shut down all of the fast food restaurants here after planking in every one of them.
  14. If I had to live on one food for the rest of my life it would be plantains.
  15. I really really love my host family. A lot.
  16. Stray dogs will eat you if given the chance. Actually, maybe just Chatham.
  17. I always bring too much of the wrong stuff when packing.
  18. I tend to have very uncomfortable conversations with people without thinking that maybe I should filter what I’m saying.
  19. It’s really really awkward to try to explain the shirt “Talk nerdy to me” in Spanish and using the relationship with the expression “Talk dirty to me” which I also had to explain. In Spanish. To a very very attractive individual.

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